Fields of interest:
Development economics • Economics of Education • Impact evaluations • Violence and conflict
Book Chapters
- With Emiliana Vegas and Álvaro Hofflinger, “From Closure to Recovery: Tracing the Educational Impact of COVID-19 in Chile,” in Harry Patrinos and Nuno Crato, eds., Improving National Education Systems After COVID-19, Springer: Washington, D.C., 2024.
- With Booyuel Kim and Hee-Seung Yang, “Does the small business program benefit self-employed workers? Evidence from Nicaragua.” Journal of Development Effectiveness, January 2024, 1–20.
Working Papers
- With Booyuel Kim and Hee-Seung Yang, “In utero exposure to civil conflict: Nicaraguan war and its long-term effects on socioeconomic outcomes.” [Draft/slides available upon request]
- With Harry Patrinos, Renata Lemos, Lelys Dinarte, and James Gresham, “Investing in Human Capital during Wartime: Experimental Evidence from Ukraine.”
Pre-Doctoral Studies (before 2023)
- With Mario Sánchez and Douglas Castro, 2015, “Ciudadanía y violencia. Una aproximación a sus múltiples expresiones.” Managua: Centro de Análisis Socio Cultural.
- With Hloreley Osorio, 2020, “Crítica y crisis en Nicaragua: la tensión entre democracia y capitalismo.” Anuario de Estudios Centroamericanos, 46, 1-42.
- With Mario Sánchez, Douglas Castro & Jorge Guerra, 2016, “Movimientos sociales y acción colectiva en Nicaragua: Entre la identidad, autonomía y subordinación.” Amnis, (15).
- With Carol Siero & Sebastián Hernández, 2015, “¿Ha sido importante la cooperación internacional para el desarrollo y el crecimiento económico? Una evidencia de datos panel para Nicaragua y Centroamérica.” Encuentro, 102, 52-74.
- The World Bank. 2022. Improving the well-being of adolescent girls in developing countries.” Washington, D.C.: The World Bank.
Selected Works in Progress
- With Lelys Dinarte and Renata Lemos “Supporting Mental Health Through the Promotion of Psychosocial Support in Armenian Schools.”
- With Jostin Kitmang “The Role of Selective Public Universities in Shaping Long-Term Outcome.”
- With Berk Özler and Luca Parisotto, “Shared decision-making: Does quality of care affect contraceptive use?”